
Article Type

Original Study

Subject Area

Ear, Nose and Throat


Background: Mucormycosis emerges as a severe fungal infection in the post-covid uncontrolled diabetic patients with a history of steroid therapy. Facial palsy coexists in these patients due to mucormycosis. We aim to study the prevalence of facial palsy in these critical patients. Methods: we design a retrospective cross-sectional study for 26 patients admitted to El-Gomhorea teaching hospital to assess the prevalence of facial palsy among this group. Results: 46.2% of diabetic post-covid patients present with facial nerve paralysis. We observed the clinical significance of facial palsy among different age groups. Conclusion: facial nerve palsy has become a usual clinical presentation in the era of a post-covid uncontrolled diabetic and immunocompromised cases. Any post-covid diabetic or immunocompromised patient with facial palsy and orbital affection should be highly suspicious of affection with mucormycosis.

IRB Number



facial palsy, covid, immunocompromised diabetic patients

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